Creation, the product

Shape it as you like, create, develop, test, and realise your ideas!

What is Creation exactly?

It is a voting and conference machine developed by our engineers to solve real problems – a machine that you can tailor-make to your own needs!

How can it help you?

With its high-tech solution tailored to your own individual needs, Creation supports you in concentrating on your real goals during conferences and votes.

Why choose us

Open source code

The functions ensuring the operation of the handling unit are public and freely adjustable, thus ensuring the development of individual functionality.

Paperless meetings

Thanks to the high-resolution
display even the tiniest letters are easily legible, thus no paper documents are needed.

Full HD IPS panel

Beautiful, vivid, detail-rich colours thanks to the high-resolution display.
Bright colours, with a large
viewing angle.

Operating time of up to 12 hours

The battery of the wireless handling unit ensures operation for half a day, even if the display is switched on all along.


The renewed design reflects the new idea and mission of the product.

What does Creation mean to me?

Over the past 25 years, I have regarded each of the new products of Globomax as a newborn child in the family. It can be seen already from the shape of the recently born Creation that it looks as if it had been born in a different family: the technical and technological solutions also show significant novelties. I hope that Creation can be brought up together with creative users open to that, thus enriching our common child with unique ideas and individual characteristics.
Árpád Amberger
Chief Executive Officer

Watch our introduction video!

What is the 7″ and 10″ display capable of? What quality does the sound have? How long does the battery last? What individual needs can be set?

Fully customisable

The appearance of the conference machine, as well as the software, can be made entirely unique.

Teljesen testreszabható

A konferenciaeszköz külleme, akárcsak a szoftver, teljesen egyedivé varázsolható.

A külcsínnél szabadon választhatsz több variáns közül, amiknek közös tulajdonsága, hogy rendkívül strababíróak, és mégis esztétikailag szépek, letisztultak.

Teljesen testreszabható

A konferenciaeszköz külleme, akárcsak a szoftver, teljesen egyedivé varázsolható.

A külcsínnél szabadon választhatsz több variáns közül, amiknek közös tulajdonsága, hogy rendkívül strababíróak, és mégis esztétikailag szépek, letisztultak.

Creation in pictures

What does Creation mean to me?

To me, Creation has meant several years of research and development. This is a world-class product, and I am proud of having had the chance to be involved in its creation. It, however, also means an opportunity: on the one hand, to support a new user segment, and on the other hand for our prospective partners to create systems which nobody even thinks of right now. To me, Creation means a new approach, the creation of new ideas.
Zoltán Szabó
Head of Development

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